Usmc boy gay porm

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The crude, graphically challenged sticker pasted on the videocassette said “Straight Marines.” A girlfriend and I sat down as he popped a tape in. (Twenty years later the stuff he was into would suddenly be heralded in museums.) In the early 1990’s pre-internet days, this obscure stuff was passed from weirdo to weirdo in a haphazard fashion that actually forced people to interact not just sit in front of their computers.įrank had stumbled onto some underground VHS tapes made by a man named Bobby Garcia. In the pre-internet days, he was one of those magical people who could find the obscure weird artist/fanzine/band that no one had heard of. My friend Frank Rodriguez was a gay punk pioneer who founded Club Sucker, one of the first and most legendary gay punk clubs in America. Marine porn is as suspenseful as a Hitchcock movie. If First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt were alive today, even she would want to watch it. You really won’t be able to tear your eyes away from the screen.

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You can be 110% hetero and still you’ll want to watch Marine fetish porn. In fact they love them in a deeper and more obsessive way than anyone you know.īack in the 1990’s one of my friends introduced me to a very obscure genre of gay porn called “Marine fetish porn”. But it seems there is one group of people who love Marines more than you and me.

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